Daycare for Medically Fragile Children
Welcome to Children’s Rehab! We are a pediatric daycare, or PPEC, center that is determined to give all medically fragile children the highest quality of care and quality of life possible. Our nurses, therapists, and special education teachers provide a wide variety of services in a cheerful and inviting atmosphere. Our licensed nursing staff exceeds the staff to child ratio, ensuring your child is provided with specialized care for up to 12 hours a day. We provide ongoing individualized physical, occupational, and speech therapy, as well as specialized education at a level appropriate to each child’s needs and abilities. We also offer case management services, establishing daily communication between parents and staff as needed. To further emphasize our commitment to outstanding care, we always offer free PPEC medical transportation services to and from home. So what are you waiting for? Contact us today to find out more about what we can do to enhance your child’s quality of life.
Contact Us
Leadership Team

Yoleidis Gonzalez
Child Care Administrator

Winsome Russell
Director of Nursing

Philomene Manelas
Certified Nursing Assistant

Michael Lantigua
Director of Community Relations

Our Mission
Children’s Rehab, a PPEC medical daycare, is dedicated to providing nursing, education, and therapeutic care to children requiring habilitative and rehabilitative services. We strive to provide the highest quality pediatric care that places the child and family at the heart of the program. We seek to help stabilize and improve a child’s condition and to assist the family as much as possible. With compassion, we provide services that enhance the health, independence, self-sufficiency, and productivity of those served, while also providing support to their families.
Our Philosophy
To pursue our mission, we endeavor to meet the unique needs of the children and their families’ nursing, physical, psychological, and social care. In order to pursue excellence in pediatric care, we believe our daycare for medically fragile children must provide an atmosphere that recognizes the uniqueness of each child and their family, and supports the accomplishments of mutually established goals. We must involve families in setting goals that strive towards more appropriate maximum functional levels of development. Finally, we work in an expansive approach of teamwork that allows us to use input from those served to improve our program and to support community activities that promote the effective delivery of services to the children in need.
PPEC Qualifications
Does your child qualify for Children’s Rehab daycare for medically fragile children? To qualify for Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care services your child must be younger than 21 with a medically complex condition that requires continual nursing care. There are many conditions that we care for, it is best to give us a call because you never know if your child will qualify. Children’s Rehab accepts Medicaid, private insurance, and self pay.

Our Therapies
Our daycare for medically fragile children has a full-time therapy department that is not contracted through an agency. At Children’s Rehab, we hire our own therapists to be a part of our team. We have therapists who are trained in sensory integration, neurodevelopmental treatment, kinesio taping, cranial sacral therapy, conscious discipline, feeding & swallowing disorders, speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral therapy. The therapy staff is experienced in ordering orthotics, wheelchairs, and other equipment that a child may need. The child’s individual therapy goals are incorporated by the nursing and educational staff throughout the day to help the children reach their full potential. All therapy services are on a one-to-one ratio. No grouping of children. All the Medicaid children have the possibility of receiving up to 4 hours of OT, PT, and ST services per week. Because our therapists are on site, we are always available to receive phone calls from parents and doctors, have parents observe therapy sessions, and have a flexible schedule that meets the child’s needs.
Public School Integration
At the Children’s Rehab daycare for medically fragile children, the special education teacher from surrounding county public schools works to promote each child’s self-acceptance and fosters the child’s general welfare through educational techniques that call for extra sensitivity, flexibility, and creativity. Our special education department distinguishes itself by providing an educational climate that accommodates for individual differences and by helping each student learn methods to navigate their unique challenges. Our teacher develops an individualized program for each child that includes the development and refinement of social interaction techniques, a behavior management plan, and the improvement of communication skills within each student’s environment.

Among other responsibilities, the special education teacher also assists in the development of each student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) and monitors the academic and behavioral progress of every student. Above all, our special education teacher develops a caring and loving bond with each child that helps them view any impairment as one of the many important attributes, rather than the most significant, that define who they are. This educational component is not found in home health care settings or hospitals. Our special education teacher has developed enrichment programs specifically for our children and works with our therapists to provide effective ways of incorporating therapy into our children’s academic curriculum. In addition, teachers from our local county’s public school system provide stimulating activities. Developmental age-appropriate activities are combined with educational goals. Our children learn at their own pace – while having fun, as all kids should.
Medical services & Therapies
Our goal is to help each child achieve the highest quality of life possible. Nursing services include, but are not limited to:
Daily Assessments:
Ensures ongoing monitoring of each child’s health status to adjust care as needed.
Medication Administration:
Safe and accurate delivery of medications as prescribed by healthcare providers.
Vent/Trach Care:
Specialized breathing support care for children with ventilators or tracheostomies.
Wound Care:
Management and treatment of wounds to promote healing and prevent infection.
Feeding Therapy:
Helps feeding skills for children with difficulties eating or swallowing.
Enteral Feedings:
Nutritional support through tube feeding for children who cannot eat by mouth.
Pulse Oximetry:
Monitoring of oxygen saturation in the blood to ensure adequate levels.
Apnea Monitoring:
Observation and recording of breathing patterns to detect episodes of apnea.
Infant Care:
Specialized attention and care tailored to the unique needs of infants.
Ostomy Care:
Care and maintenance of ostomy sites to ensure proper function and hygiene.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Medicaid, as well as other private insurances, repays all PPEC services provided in the state of Florida. So, if your child is eligible or qualifies for PPEC services, Medicaid will cover the price of treatment, and there is no cost to you as a parent.
Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care (PPEC) is a treatment program that provides young children with complex medical needs continuous medical care in a pediatric daycare setting. This program is Medicaid-funded and provides daycare services to children who require nursing, feeding, or medical assistance during the day provided your child is under 21.
PPEC services at a pediatric extended care center generally include nursing care. However, centers such as Children’s Rehab may also offer additional services, such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, behavioral therapy, speech therapy, free transportation, recreational activities, and more!
We are able to care for medically fragile children and kids that may have had a developmental delay. The staff at our pediatric rehabilitation center also have training in providing childcare for special needs. However, we still suggest you leave an inquiry if you are unsure if your child qualifies for PPEC medical daycare.
The highest income to qualify for PPEC services with Medicaid will often depend on various factors. If you are unsure whether you qualify, we suggest contacting us or a local Medicaid office for recent information about PPEC income requirements.